Zhou JL, Guruvaryurappan K, Chen HV, Chen AR, McVicker
G (2023) Genome-wide analysis of CRISPR perturbations indicates that enhancers act multiplicatively and without epistatic-like interactions BioRxiv.
Zhou JL, de Guglielmo G, Ho AJ, Kallupi M, Pokhrel N, Li H,
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Chen HV*, Lorenzini MH*, Lavalle SN*, Sajeev K, Fonseca A,
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Xu Z*, Lee DS*, Chandran S, Le VT, Bump R, Yasis J, Dallarda
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activation in cancer. Nature.
Chen PB, Fiaux PC, Zhang K, Li B, Kubo N, Jiang S, Hu R,
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functional dissection of enhancers needed for cancer cell
fitness and proliferation. Cell Reports.
Sen A, Huo Y, Elster J, Zage PE, McVicker G (2022). Allele-specific expression reveals genes with recurrent cis-regulatory alterations in high-risk neuroblastoma Genome Biology.
Sen A*, Prager BC*, Zhong C, Park D, Zhu Z, Gimple RC, Wu Q, Bernatchez JA, Beck S, Clark AE, Siqueira-Neto JL, Rich JN, McVicker G (2022) Leveraging Allele-Specific Expression for Therapeutic Response Gene Discovery in Glioblastoma. Cancer Research.
Massarat AR, Sen A, Jaureguy J, Tyndale ST, Fu Y, Erikson G, McVicker G (2021) Discovering single nucleotide variants and indels from bulk and single-cell ATAC-seq. Nucleic Acids Research.
Fiaux PC, Chen HV, Chen PB, Chen AR, McVicker G (2020) Discovering functional sequences with RELICS, an analysis method for CRISPR screens. PLOS Computational Biology.
Nott A*, Holtman IR*, Coufal NG*, Schlachetzki JCM, Yu M, Hu R, Han CZ, Pena M, Xiao J, Wu Y, Keulen Z, Pasillas MP, O’Connor C, Nickl CK, Schafer ST, Shen Z, Rissman RA, Brewer JB, Gosselin D, Gonda DD, Levy ML, Rosenfeld MG, McVicker G, Gage FH, Ren B, Glass CK. (2019) Brain cell type-specific enhancer-promoter interactome maps and disease risk association. Science.
Schmiedel BJ, Singh D,1 Madrigal A, Valdovino-Gonzalez AG, White BM,1 Zapardiel-Gonzalo Jose, Ha B, Altay G, Greenbaum JA, McVicker G, Seumois G, Rao A, Kronenberg M, Peters B, Vijayanand P. (2018) Impact of Genetic Polymorphisms on Human Immune Cell Gene Expression. Cell.
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Banovich NE*, Lan X*, McVicker G, van de
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